Day 1 - 19 June
Time | Topic |
09:00-10:00 | MONAN project (Dr. Saulo R. Freitas, INPE) |
10:00-10:15 | Coffee-break |
10-20-11:20 | Nowcasting by radar images using a machine-learning approach (Prof. Fabrı́cio P. Härter, UFPel) |
11:20-12:20 | CIMAER (Brazil): Mission, activities, developments (FAB: Brazilian Air Force) |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:00 | Earth-2 project (Dr. Pedro M. Cruz e Silva, Nvidia) |
15:00-16:00 | Nowcasting: Developments and research (Prof. Gutemberg B. França, UFRJ) |
16:00-16:15 | Coffee-break |
16:20-17:20 | Nowcasting: Developments and research (Dr. Alan J. P. Calheiros, INPE) |
Day 2 - 20 June
Time | Topic |
09:00-10:00 | Data assimilation by machine learning approaches (Haroldo F. de Campos Velho, INPE) |
10:00-10:15 | Coffee-break |
10-20-11:20 | DDNet: Prediction and data assimilation (Prof. Fangxin Fang, Imperial College London) |
11:20-12:20 | On the potential and limitations of current ML forecast models (Dr. Massimo Bonavita, ECMWF) |
12:00-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:00 | FourCastNet system (Dr. Pedro M. Cruz e Silva, Nvidia) |
15:00-16:00 | GOES16’s ML Models Nowcasting (Prof. Eduardo B. da Silva, CEFET/RJ) |
16:00-16:15 | Coffee-break |
16:20-16:50 | Hybrid modeling: Differential equations + AI (Dr. Haroldo F. de Campos Velho and Prof. Gutemberg B. França, INPE / UFRJ) |
16:50-17:20 | AI systems for operational climate impact (Dr. Gabriel Perez, MeteoIA) |
Day 3 - 21 June
Time | Topic |
09:00-10:00 | Multi-scale physical modeling and AI for solving partial differential equations (Prof. Fangxin Fang, Imperial College London) |
10:00-10:15 | Coffee-break |
10-20-11:20 | Forecasting Global Weather with Graph Neural Networks (Dr. Ryan Keisler – OpenEarthAI) |
11:20-11:40 | Predictability by machine learning (Dr. Haroldo F. de Campos Velho, INPE) |
11:40-12:10 | Book presentation: “Computational Intelligence Applied to Inverse Problem in Radiative Transfer” |
12:10-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-15:30 | Round Table: AI and MONAN project |